The other day my mother told me that there was a SALAD REVOLUTION happening in SHARAN, then she suddenly asked if I wanted to do a demo. I thought for some while and finally agreed. I was very excited but at the same time I was nervous. Then after a while my mother asked - Which Salad I wanted to prepare in the demo? My favourite salads are Chickpea Salad and Sprout Bhel. My mom suggested Chickpea Salad but I wanted to do Sprout Bhel. My mum totally agreed. 

Then after a day or two, it was time for a mock session, but then as I was a little nervous we postponed it. Then after one day, it was time for my postponed mock session. I dressed properly and got ready to start. It went very well. Just there were some mistakes, like I opened the blender jar before the blending was done because of that chutney, that I was blending, was going everywhere, then I had to not say the quantity of the ingredients or else I was getting too stressed. But then because of these small mistakes I learned a lot. Then I saw other people do their demos too. It helped me a lot as I learned from other people`s mistake too. Then once all mock sessions were over, I had the salad I made in the mock session. It was the best. Then I was practicing delightfully the demo for 1 hour in front of the mirror. 

Then after some days it was time for the main session. I dressed properly, my mother tied my hair beautifully, I wore my apron. And finally I was looking presentable. Then my mother told that there was a meeting in which everyone will give final positions and tips to each other. That meeting was quite helpful. Then we logged in to the final meeting. While other presentations were going on, I practiced my presentation in my mind. I was very nervous as there were more than 500 people in Zoom and some were seeing from Facebook. Then it was my turn. I was too nervous. But then once the session started I had a flow, it was all going perfect. And this time there were no mistakes. It was Awesome. I had explained it so well that nobody had any questions. Everybody said it was inspiring, cute and the best. It went Viral. I was thrilled and I was in a - I-finally-did-it mode.

 My favourite part was the tasting part in which I had to taste the salad once it was ready and after tasting I had to give my feedback, I said - ‘Awesome’. I also wanted to say that it was the best thing I have ever tasted but I felt that it was not needed. Once the session was over, I gobbled down all the Sprout Bhel that I made in the presentation. I left a spoon for my parents as they were insisting. This was a very fulfilling experience for me as this was my first salad presentation and that too in front of more than 500 people. So it helped me so very much. I started eating new salads as in other people`s demos I learned so many new delicious recipes of healthy, filling and super tasty salads. I thank SHARAN to put on this SALAD REVOLUTION event. I am very grateful to have a chance like this where - I can do a lovely presentation and especially eat such yummy, filling and healthy salads. Thank You…


  1. Am sure you had a great time... Beautifully written... Proud of you😍

  2. Very well written Svaraa Darling... Be blessed with success and happiness always... Proud of u... love u...

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. You are a revolution revelation


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